Friday, 22 April 2011




Qualities of Success is more than a few buzz-words that I got out of some book. They have been a part of my life for many years. Without learning and internalizing these traits, I wouldn’t have any of the successes I have. Now, I feel the need to share them with you, in the hopes that you will someday have the success you want.

As this series continues, you will see where more and more, these traits overlap each other. That’s no coincidence. All of these traits are interconnected, and when you don’t have one, you really don’t have any.

As new posts are written that deal with what I believe are important qualities to posess, I will also include the quality here.

HONESTY: This shouldn’t need too much description. Honesty is telling the truth at all times. When you lie, you weaken your credibility, but more importantly, you have to waste energy remembering and propigating the lie you told.

SELF-CONTROL: In Personal Finance, many times, we talk about money, saving, sacrificing. At some point, all we are really doing is substituting one compulsion for another. While you don’t want to let ‘things’ control you, neither do you want to let the fear of ‘things’ to control you. The only thing that should control you is your own set of values, morals, and belief in what is best for you.

DEDICATION: There is a phrase that nothing worth having is easy. One of the reasons why dedication is a quality that successful people share is because it is so much easier to say, “F-it! I’ve done my share.” While you may have done your ‘share’, doing your share is only good enough to get you in with the pack. If you want to lead the pack, you have to be willing to do the work needed to get there.

LOYALTY: Along your path to success, there will be many opportunities to screw the other guy over. Companies will ask for your loyalty, your friends will ask for your loyalty, and both will be willing to show you their (version of) loyalty. Stay true to yourself. Don’t break loyalty with family, or those who share your desire to succeed. Never take someone’s affirmation of loyalty with the same weight as their proof in deeds of their loyalty.

PRIDE: Taking pride in what you do, where you work, or even just in who you are is essential. The little things that you do throughout the day that show you don’t take pride are noticed by others. Even if it seems like no big deal at the time, if you take no pride in yourself, how can others be proud of you?

PATIENCE: Nothing worth having is going to come quickly. You need to be able to prove your worthiness to your boss so that they will trust you with the authority you deserve. ALSO, anybody who claims you can get rich quick is full of it! Real wealth, real riches, don’t come from some magic formula that they will sell you for $14.95. It doesn’t come from investing in risky ventures. It only comes from hard work, prudent investing, savings, strong budgeting skills, and experience. EVERYTHING comes down eventually.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Once you leave your mother’s womb, you become more than just you, you become a representative to the world of your family. You become a representative to your family of your friends. When you work, you are a representative of your company, and of the public. This is a huge responsibility, and one that is too often overlooked. Remember this responsibility throughout the day, and act in a way that befits a company that has the good sense to have hired you. Also, act in a way that the customers who ultimately pay your salary would be happy with. And never forget to always act in such a way that demonstrates that your parents did the right things in raising you.

INITIATIVE: If all you want to do is sit around waiting for pay day, that’s your call. Don’t count on being moved up in the world, don’t count on making a difference, and especially don’t count on being noticed by anybody. You have to look around you at your work place and see what needs to be done and decide what you can do. I forget the exact quote; I forget even where I heard it first, but there is a saying that if you put your self in the road, good luck has no choice but to go through you (or something like that). The point is that you have to create your own luck in life, and the best way to do that is by showing a little initiative.

DIGNITY: Sure, it’s easy to pick on those that are less than perfect, but at what cost to our own feelings of right and wrong. Don’t try to build yourself up by tearing someone else down: You make yourself look even worse in the end.

SELF RESPECT: On the other side of dignity, you have self-respect. The short of it is, there are bad people out there who are looking for anything to make fun of you about, to try and take away your dignity. Don’t give them any more ammo than they (think) they may have. If you carry yourself as if you were a success, with all the obligations that entails, chances are good that you will be a success.

DISCIPLINE: In life, quite frequently, your parents aren’t going to be near you to stop you from doing something stupid, and that’s a good thing. The responsibility for doing that now lies squarely on your shoulders. Revel in this, and know that all of the lessons they have taught you are within you. Make sure you listen to those lessons, so you don’t do something you may regret in the future.

PERSEVERANCE: Very few new things you try in life will work perfectly the first time. You have to make the decision whether or not you are willing to keep trying something till it does work, or till you can do it better. Some things are important enough to stick to, but others should be dropped like a rock as soon as you see that it will be a failure. You need to learn the difference.

HUMILITY: You might be really good at something. You might even be the best. If so, congratulations! Take that skill or talent, and put it to work helping others. Don’t get stuck on yourself or your abilities. There is no shame, and you will win a lot more battles, in being gracious in accepting the accolades that you get for your skills.

COURTESY:: Doing the small, inconsequential things that are just nice, will never hurt you. You become a better person for doing them, and people will want to do them for you more often.

RESPONSIBILITY: Understand that your actions today define your destiny tomorrow. Not what happened last year, or last week. Not what someone else said about you or did to you, but your actions and reactions. Accept that, and you will see that there is a pride in knowing that you can overcome the stupid things that have happened in the past with right action today.

INDOMINITABLE SPIRIT: Never let the outside world, or any of the nay-sayers beat you! You are better than that, and you can win!

LEADERSHIP: You never really know who is watching you, or when. If you want to be successful, and if you want to someday help others to become successful as well, you need to take on the responsibility of being a leader. Leaders are not born that way; to become a good leader takes hard work, discipline, and a willingness to put your name on the line.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Hi Company Secretaries..... As u know very well that Exams are tooo near, so plz help each other.. anybody who has got any materials, plz  keep updating it or sent it to my I.D, plzzzzz stay in touch.... ma I.D is......,...... its also my Facebook I.D guys.......

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


"Mistakes, Failures and Rejections are a part of Progress and Growth, Nobody ever Achieved anything Worth without Facing these Things."

                                  We The Company Secretaries dont accept anybody elses definition of me, we DEFINE ourselves. For doing it, the ICSI had been Helpful. One of its Help towards us was introducing the STUDENT INDUCTION PROGRAMME. A SEVEN day Programme, with Every minute of it to teach us something new, which we were ignorant of. Having undergone many sessions which were indeed life moulding, with new ideas and concepts and giving a practical view about the Corporate World.

                                   Starting the Seventh Batch of S.I.P, From 05.04.2011 to 12.04.2011, undergoing serious sessions from Learned Scholars was something like being Blessed. Hope, we had some more days of learning added to the Seven Day Program called, "THE STUDENT INDUCTION PROGRAM."